On May 6 the Goshen Fire Department, the American Red Cross of Northern Indiana and the West Goshen Neighborhood Association spent the morning inspecting and installing detectors throughout the West Goshen Neighborhood.

This Thursday, June 15, the Fire Department and the Red Cross will be going to homes in the Chamberlain Neighborhood to inspect and install more smoke detectors from 5:30 to 8 p.m. They will walk door-to-door, offering to inspect any current smoke detectors in the household and installing new ones if needed. Residents of the houses visited will also be asked a few questions related to fire safety awareness.

This is part of the Fire Department’s efforts to promote fire safety and engage with the community. Residents in the Chamberlain Neighborhood interested in having their smoke detector inspected, or a new one installed simply need to be in their home Thursday, June 15, from 5:30 to 8 p.m.

For any questions related to the upcoming smoke detector installation, residents may contact the Fire Department at 533.7878 or Chamberlain Neighborhood Association President Nathan Mateer Rempel at 238.4604.