Dear Goshen Residents,

It is with a very heavy heart that I am notifying you that our Goshen Chief of Police Wade K. Branson, a seasoned law enforcer and affable community leader, passed away early Monday morning after a courageous fight against cancer. I ask for your thoughts and prayers for the Chief’s family. Please respect their need to grieve and give them some time before reaching out.

Chief Branson was employed by the City of Goshen Police Department in 1983. He became Chief of Police in 2009. Among his many achievements, Chief Branson served a vital role in the Elkhart County Drug Interdiction Covert Enforcement Unit, and he fortified the relationship of the Goshen Police Department with our surrounding law enforcement agencies. He also helped facilitate conversations with various church and civic organizations, and worked hard to make Goshen a more welcoming place.
Chief Branson was not only a colleague but also a friend. Wade led by example, his legacy with the Goshen Police Department and our community will be second to none. Last week I had the honor of presenting Wade with the Key to the City.

Assistant Chief of Police Jose D. Miller, who worked alongside Chief Branson for many years, said the following about his time working with and knowing the Chief:

“This is a heartbreaking time for the Goshen Police Department family. We not only lost our Chief, but we lost our friend. Chief Branson dedicated thirty-five years to this department and the residents of our great community. Chief Branson always put the needs of others before his own. This included his own men and woman at the police department. Even through his vicious battle with cancer, he put others before himself, because he did not want those around him to worry. He was first in line to carry the stresses from the job, but was last in line to take any credit. He was not just a boss, he was a leader. His passing has left a hole in the hearts of all of us. The impact Chief Branson left on this department will never be forgotten.”

Chief Branson created a strong team within our Police Department. Assistant Chief Jose Miller has done a great job in his past roles and will be helping us to carry on and navigate through this tough time. I have great confidence in his care for the department and community, as well as his abilities. Earlier this morning I swore Jose Miller in as Acting Chief of Police. I have full confidence that the men and women of the Goshen Police Department will continue to help make Goshen a safe welcoming place and also be here for us when we are in need.

“Chief Branson had a vision of where he wanted the police department to go while under his command, and the department will continue moving forward in that direction. The Goshen Police Department is made up from some of the finest officers in our nation, and these officers will continue serving our great community. Even during these troubling times, your officers will be there should the need arise.”- Jose Miller

Flags have been lowered at each city property, and they will remain at half-staff through Monday, July 2. I invite all residents and businesses to lower flags to half-staff as well.
On behalf of the community of Goshen, we thank Chief Wade K. Branson for everything he has done. Thank you for showing a community what honor, integrity and pride look like. I am a better man for knowing you; our community is a better place because of you! We will never forget!

Jeremy Stutsman