
The City of Goshen owns and maintains 16 bridges.  The 13 pedestrian bridges are inspected every four years, while the 3 vehicular bridges are inspected every two years.  The Bridge Inspection Reports are prepared in accordance with the National Bridge Inspection Standards developed under the 1968 Federal Aid Highway Act, and the reports provide maintenance recommendations for each specific bridge structure.

2021 Bridge Maintenance Project

In 2021, the City bid out the 2021 Bridge Repairs project, in which 3 bridges were maintained by Northern Indiana Construction:

Bridge 201 – Pedestrian Bridge at Rogers Park – The timber deck was replaced, the decks supporting system was air blasted, and painted.

Bridge 303 – Douglas Street Pedestrian Bridge over the Millrace Canal – the timber kickboards were replaced, wire ties along the top rail of the chain link fence were replaced, all structural steel was cleaned and painted.

Bridge 306 – Millrace Canal Headgate Structure – Side slopes were graded/reshaped and riprap was placed.