DACA: Mayor’s Statement

Dear Residents of the Community of Goshen,
(en español)

I am deeply saddened by the actions of the White House Administration. Recently, they announced that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program, known better as DACA, will be discontinued. This is a giant setback for everyone. All of our children should feel welcome and safe in a country that we all call home. The Administration has continued to emphasize that immigrants are taking jobs. At a time in Elkhart County when we are short 20,000+ workers, we need immigrants. Jobs are not taken, they are earned.

I will be talking with Congresswoman Walorski and Senators Donnelly and Young, and requesting that they give this issue immediate attention and work together to ensure a legislative solution in the next 6 months that protects and honors the DACA recipients and all they have contributed to our community and country. These are people who were brought here as young children, who have been educated here and are now young adults; this is the only home they have ever known. Many serve as leaders in our community contributing to our daily success. They are going to college, becoming police officers and paramedics and helping to build our communities in many ways. As some leading Republicans in Washington DC have said boldly “They are as American as anyone else, but without a piece of paper.”

This is why it is urgent and vitally important that we urge Congresswoman Walorski and Senators Donnelly and Young to stand up and do what is right for this country, and refuse to push it down the road. The lives of more than 800,000 DACA recipients now hang in the balance. We need this issue solved now. Congresswoman Walorski and Senators Donnelly and Young: our families, our neighborhoods and our communities are counting on you!

I was elected to help makethe lives of every resident of Goshen better, safer and to help create a more inclusive community. I continue to stand with my community members, friends and neighbors. I stand with those who have supported our businesses and community for so many years. I support our community schools and college as they continue to offer safe spaces for all. I stand with the US and Goshen Chamber of Commerce in their support of DACA. I stand with our youth and their families. I continue to support each and every person in this community regardless of your position on immigration.

We are all immigrants and we need to stand together. We benefit from this community’s economy, we enjoy the many great immigrant-owned businesses serving and contributing to our community and we value the protection of children and young adults. Please contact your congressional representatives and ask them to protect the DACA program and work towards immigration reform.

And maybe most importantly, share your support with your neighbors and anyone you know who is part of DACA.

With Great Respect,

Mayor Jeremy Stutsman

Click here for more information about DACA and resources

The following are statements from Goshen’s Council Members:

Councilwoman Julia King, At-Large

“I commend Mayor Stutsman for his statement on DACA (issued 9/7/2017).  These young people are our neighbors and our friends; they are students and hard-working employees. They deserve a path to Citizenship — not only because it’s the right thing to do morally, but because they make Goshen stronger.”

Councilman Adam Scharf, District 5

“There are hundreds of millions of ways to be an American, and to dream an American Dream. It is wrong to pen the lives of free people down to just one place. In Goshen and beyond let us see the value of each person not as boxed in by their birthplace, but as blossoming from the miraculous fact that they were born. As Sydette Harry has written, ‘Immigrants are not important because they’re useful, it’s because they’re people.'”

Councilman Ed Ahlersmyer, District 2

“My only comment is to request supporters of daca to contact their congressional representative and request them to pass legislation reflecting these policies. Executive order should never have been a means of which to decide the enforcement of existing law.”

Councilwoman Julia Gautsche, District 4

“Thank you Mayor Stutsman for expressing your concern about the possible discontinuation of the DACA program. I also choose to stand with these young people who are contributing so much to our community. This is the community they call home and we are better and stronger because of them. I urge Congresswoman Walorski and Senators Donnelly and Young to protect DACA and work together to pass comprehensive immigration reform that recognizes the value immigrants have brought to our country and our communities.”

Councilman Mike Orgill, District 3

“I have and will continue to oppose national, state and city policies that lead to the deportation of nonviolent persons from our country. A country built by immigrants.”