Now that the December Stormwater Toolbox Newsletter has been released I would appreciate having the following posted to the City’s Facebook page either tomorrow or Friday along with the attached picture.

December Stormwater Toolbox Newsletter

Salt. It helps our foods taste better, it helps with public safety during the winter months, but it is considered a water pollutant when there is too much of it. In fact, some freshwater resources are becoming too salty and have ‘Freshwater Salinization Syndrome”.  

Wetlands are important to our everyday lives but in Indiana 85% of the wetlands that existed in 1780 have been lost due to being drained, plowed under, or paved over.

Read this month’s Newsletter to learn more about both of these topics.

#goshenstormwater #stormwater #Salt #waterquality #wetlands #wetlandloss The Newsletter can be read by click on the following link:—Public.pdf.