Notice to Taxpayers of Proposed Additional Appropriations

Notice is hereby given the taxpayers of the City of Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana, that the proper Legal Officers of the City of Goshen at their regular meeting place at 111 E. Jefferson St., Goshen IN at 7:00 PM on the 19th day of April 2016, will consider the following additional appropriations in excess of the budget for the current year.

Fire Department
Other Equipment…………………………………..$221,616

Contractual Services..……………………………..$133,596

Equipment – Motor Vehicle..………………………$ 5,201

Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have a right to be heard. The additional appropriations as finally made will be referred to the State Board of Tax Commissioners. The Board will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of funds to support the appropriations made within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a Certified Copy of the action taken.



Taxpayers of the Goshen Redevelopment District (“District”), the boundaries of which are coterminous with the boundaries of the City of Goshen, Indiana (“City”), are hereby notified that the Goshen Redevelopment Commission (“Commission”) did on the 12th day of April, 2016, adopt a resolution preliminarily determining to enter into a lease for the purpose of providing funds for the cost of the acquisition of real property and the construction, renovation and rehabilitation of the Goshen Theater (“Project”), in or serving the Consolidated River Race/U.S. 33 Economic Development Area. The lease will be for a maximum term of 18 years with a maximum annual lease rental of $700,000.

Dated: April 18 and 25, 2016.



Notice of Public Hearing on Proposal to Establish the Annual Tax Rate for the City of Goshen Cumulative Capital Development Fund

The Goshen Common Council will hold a public hearing at its meeting on May 3, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at which City of Goshen taxpayers may be heard concerning a proposal to establish the annual tax rate for the Cumulative Capital Development Fund to be levied in the ensuing year. The hearing will be held in the City Court Room/Council Chambers at the Goshen Police & Court Building, 111 East Jefferson Street, Goshen. Following the public hearing, the Common Council will consider a proposed ordinance to establish the annual tax rate for the Cumulative Capital Development Fund.

The Cumulative Capital Development Fund, authorized under the provisions of Indiana Code §§ 6-1.1-41-1 et seq., Indiana Code §§ 36-9-15.5-1 et seq., and city ordinance, may be used for any or all the purposes specified by Indiana Code § 36-9-15.5-2. The proposed tax will be levied on all taxable property within the City of Goshen and will not exceed Five Cents ($0.05) on each One Hundred Dollars ($100) of assessed valuation beginning with 2016 taxes payable in 2017 and continuing each year thereafter until reduced or rescinded.

If the ordinance is passed and adopted, the City of Goshen will publish a Notice of Adoption. Not later than noon thirty (30) days after the publication of the Notice of Adoption, at least fifty (50) City of Goshen taxpayers may file a petition with the Elkhart County Auditor stating their objections to the establishment of the annual tax rate for the Cumulative Capital Development Fund. The petition will then be certified to the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF), and a hearing before the DLGF will be held on the petition.

The proposal to establish the annual tax rate for the Cumulative Capital Development Fund is subject to the approval by the DLGF.


Notice of Public Hearing on Proposal to Establish the Annual Tax Rate for the City of Goshen Cumulative Building or Remodeling, Firefighting, and Police Radio Equipment Fund

The Goshen Common Council will hold a public hearing at its meeting on May 3, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at which City of Goshen taxpayers may be heard concerning a proposal to establish the annual tax rate for the Cumulative Building or Remodeling, Firefighting, and Police Radio Equipment Fund to be levied in the ensuing year. The hearing will be held in the City Court Room/Council Chambers at the Goshen Police & Court Building, 111 East Jefferson Street, Goshen. Following the public hearing, the Common Council will consider a proposed ordinance to establish the annual tax rate for the Cumulative Building or Remodeling, Firefighting, and Police Radio Equipment Fund.

The Cumulative Building or Remodeling, Firefighting, and Police Radio Equipment Fund, authorized under the provisions of Indiana Code §§ 6-1.1-41-1 et seq., Indiana Code §§ 36-8-14-1 et seq., and city ordinance, may be used for any or all the purposes specified by Indiana Code § 36-8-14-2(c). The proposed tax will be levied on all taxable property within the City of Goshen and will not exceed Three and Thirty-three hundredths Cents ($0.0333) on each One Hundred Dollars ($100) of assessed valuation beginning with 2016 taxes payable in 2017 and continuing each year thereafter until reduced or rescinded.

If the ordinance is passed and adopted, the City of Goshen will publish a Notice of Adoption. Not later than noon thirty (30) days after the publication of the Notice of Adoption, at least ten (10) City of Goshen taxpayers may file a petition with the Elkhart County Auditor stating their objections to the establishment of the annual tax rate for the Cumulative Building or Remodeling, Firefighting, and Police Radio Equipment Fund. The petition will then be certified to the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF), and a hearing before the DLGF will be held on the petition.

The proposal to establish the annual tax rate for the Cumulative Building or Remodeling, Firefighting, and Police Radio Equipment Fund is subject to the approval by the DLGF.


Notice of Public Hearing on Proposal to Establish the Annual Tax Rate for the City of Goshen Cumulative Building and Sinking Fund for Municipal Sewers

The Goshen Common Council will hold a public hearing at its meeting on May 3, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at which City of Goshen taxpayers may be heard concerning a proposal to establish the annual tax rate for the Cumulative Building and Sinking Fund for Municipal Sewers to be levied in the ensuing year. The hearing will be held in the City Court Room/Council Chambers at the Goshen Police & Court Building, 111 East Jefferson Street, Goshen. Following the public hearing, the Common Council will consider a proposed ordinance to establish the annual tax rate for the Cumulative Building and Sinking Fund for Municipal Sewers.

The Cumulative Building and Sinking Fund for Municipal Sewers, authorized under the provisions of Indiana Code §§ 6-1.1-41-1 et seq., Indiana Code §§ 36-9-26-1 et seq., and city ordinance, may be used for any or all the purposes specified by Indiana Code § 36-9-26-2(a). The proposed tax will be levied on all taxable property within the City of Goshen and will not exceed Three and Thirty-three hundredths Cents ($0.0333) on each One Hundred Dollars ($100) of assessed valuation beginning with 2016 taxes payable in 2017 and continuing each year thereafter until reduced or rescinded.

If the ordinance is passed and adopted, the City of Goshen will publish a Notice of Adoption. Not later than noon thirty (30) days after the publication of the Notice of Adoption, at least fifty (50) City of Goshen taxpayers may file a petition with the Elkhart County Auditor stating their objections to the establishment of the annual tax rate for the Cumulative Building and Sinking Fund for Municipal Sewers. The petition will then be certified to the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF), and a hearing before the DLGF will be held on the petition.

The proposal to establish the annual tax rate for the Cumulative Building and Sinking Fund for MunicipalSewers is subject to the approval by the DLGF.


Printable copies of the Public Notices can be downloaded by clicking the link below:

Public Notices – 4-19-16 Council Meeting