NOTE: The following is a message from Dustin Sailor, Director of Public Works. For questions, please contact the Engineering Office at 534.2201.

This is a quick update to let you know why East Monroe, at the railrod tracks, has not been returned to two-way traffic as planned.

On October 13, 2017, the City’s contractor attempted to pressure test the new water main beneath the railroad tracks on East Monroe Street. The pressure test repeatedly failed. To explore the installed condition, the City’s contractor excavated down to the casting pipe and placed a camera between the casing and the water main. What they found was multiple leaking water main joints. After numerous discussions, it has been determined the pipe must be replaced.

New pipe and gaskets have been ordered and on October 30, 2017, the City’s contractor will remove the existing pipe and then re-install the new pipe beneath the tracks. This is an unfortunate delay, but necessary to protect the city and its utility rate payers. Replacement work is anticipated to take two to three weeks to complete. As we approach the likelihood of colder weather setting in, City staff is conscious of the seasonal paving limitations and is willing to stretch the rules to make sure Monroe Street is repaved this year so that two-way traffic can be reestablished.

Thank you for your continued patience and as always, feel free to contact our office with specific concerns.


Dustin Sailor
Director of Public Works